Angular vs React vs Vue: Which JavaScript framework to choose for your next project?


JavaScript has remained a preferred programming language for building desktop and mobile applications globally As technology advances, the JavaScript frameworks also get evolved, which can make developers confused. Out of many frameworks available, Angular, Vue, and React have gained a lot of popularity in the developer’s community in a short time. In this blog, we are going to compare these three platforms from various aspects.

Before comparing them, let’s have a brief introduction to React.js, AngularJS, and Vue.js.

Introduction of React, Angular, and Vue

React.js- Build High Traffic Websites with Ease

Facebook released this framework back in 2013. It was designed to address the issues related to high online traffic on Facebook ads. It also resolved coding and maintenance issues effectively. Today, React.js is used for developing high-traffic websites and interactive user interfaces. Glassdoor, PayPal, and Instagram are a few of the big brands that rely on React.

Angular- Robust Framework for Advanced Web Solutions

Angular is the oldest framework among these three frameworks. Google released it in 2010, and it is based on TypeScript. The JS suffix was dropped from AngularJS in the year 2016. Popular websites like Wix and Google itself are powered by the Angular framework. It is a robust and reliable framework for building advanced web apps and mobile apps.

Vue- Newest Member of JavaScript Family

Evan You, an ex-engineer at Google, has launched Vue in the year 2014. Since its inception, Vue has gained ground in the developer’s community. It has made the software developer’s life easy by eliminating the shortcomings of other similar frameworks. Today, Alibaba and GitLab are two big names that use Vue for their websites.

Comparing Angular vs React vs Vue


As per the Stack Overflow survey, React is the most preferred framework and Vue.js follows it closely. However, Angular seems to lose ground due to the growing popularity of Express, Spring, and ASP.NET. However, Google Trends says a completely different story. From the perspective of search terms, React is on the top and closely followed by Angular for the last 12 months. Here, Vue is way behind both these frameworks. All these stats reveal that React is by far the most popular framework, but we need to compare other factors to get the real picture of comparing three JS frameworks.

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